Immersive sound-based performance exploring the boundaries of human, machine & nature

LYD PORT is an interdisciplinary artist duo working at the intersection of sound art, performance, and installation. Their works investigate materiality, perception, and the shifting relationship between humans, machines, and nature. Through experimental compositions and sculptural sound installations, they create immersive experiences that challenge how we listen and engage with sound.




LYD PORT is an interdisciplinary sound art duo founded by Mai Ane Pil Siedentopp and Morten Schmidt in 2017. Working at the intersection of sound art, immersive performance, and experimental music, they create site-specific installations, music theatre, and sculptural sound works that explore the relationship between humans, nature, and technology.

Their debut piece, Macro Plastic, premiered at Den Fynske Opera in 2020 and was later presented at Det Frie Felts Festival. The work transforms plastic into both sonic and visual material, using its textures, resonance, and sculptural qualities to question plastic pollution, sustainability, and materiality.

LYD PORT’s works have been exhibited and performed at Nordic Music Days, SkulpturOdense21, Socle de Monde, TICKON, and internationally at Global Week at Oil Tank Park in Seoul and Galleri Úthverfa. They have also been part of long-term artistic research projects such as Bio Feedback Laboratory, leading to the development of Inertial and the piece Bio Feedback.

Their artistic practice investigates climate crisis, human-machine interaction, perception, and utopian dualities, challenging the boundaries of sound, movement, and materiality. Through tactile sound installations, interactive performances, and experimental compositions, they seek to merge organic and synthetic elements, pushing beyond traditional black box theatre and gallery spaces into natural and unconventional environments.

With a strong focus on new media and interdisciplinary art, LYD PORT constantly experiments with technology, sonic textures, and immersive soundscapes to create performances where image and sound become inseparable, offering new ways to experience and engage with contemporary sound art.

Fotos: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen